Taper Point Needles

The tip of the needle is round. The needle body is oval or rectangular in shape. This structure helps to prevent the needles from turning or bending in the portal by increasing the width of the needle body.

The needle is becoming more and more sharp towards the tip. It is usually preferred in textures that are easy to penetrate.

It is also used in internal anastomoses to prevent leaks that can lead to subsequent abdominal cavity contamination.

Usage areas;

  • Gastrointestinal system
  • Urological system
  • Reproductive organs (male and female)
  • Cardiovascular system (structures and veins in the heart)
  • Respiratory system
  • Endocrine system
  • Hepatobiliary system
  • Dice (dura, peritoneum, pericardium)
  • Muscle layer
  • Porous subcutaneous
  • Microsurgery (vessels, nerves)
  • Oral mucosa

Cutting Edge Needles

It has three sharp edges, one in the concave edge. The risk of accidentally cutting the wounds with the cutting edge in the concave side is very high. Usage areas;

  • Skin
  • Sternum

Reverse Cutting Needles

The base of the triangle is the concave region, and the top is the outer convex region in reverse cutting needles. This shape is more advantageous than a cutting needle because it protects the web against tensile strength applied to the needle.

The position of the cutting edge prevents excessive trauma and / or tearing. It is also biomechanically more durable than the conventional needle tip.

Especially it preferred for hard, penetrating tissues such as skin, tendon sheath, oral mucosa. It is also used in ophthalmic and aesthetic surgery areas where problems such as minimal trauma formation, early tissue regeneration, and smaller scarring are the primary prescriptions. Usage areas;

  • Skin
  • Fascia
  • Ligament
  • Tendon sheath
  • Nasal cavity
  • Pharinx
  • Oral cavity
  • Muscle layer

Taper Cut Needles

It is a combination of round and inverted sharp needles. The three sharp edges start at 0.8 mm behind the round tip. The tapered body part allows the needle to move smoothly through the tissue, and the surrounding tissue lifts the cut-off risk.

Although it is designed for use in sclerotic and calcified tissues in cardiovascular surgery, it is commonly used in hard fibrous fascia. Usage areas,

  • Bronchus
  • Calcified tissue
  • Fascia
  • Laparoscopy
  • Ligament
  • Nasal cavity
  • Oral cavity
  • Ovary
  • Perichondrium
  • Periosteum
  • Pharinx
  • Sternum
  • Tendon
  • Tranchea
  • Uterus
  • Valves and veins

Blunt Point Needles

It has a rounded body and blunt ends. Cutting tissue is preferred in parenchymal tissues in order to prevent tissue damage in the surrounding structures.

It is used to work safely in deep cavities with restricted movement area and visibility in gynecology / gynecology operations. In addition, blunt-ended needles are used for general occlusion in operations performed on risky patients.Usage areas;

  • Blunt dissection of fragile tissue
  • Fascia
  • Intestines
  • Kidney, liver, spleen
  • Inadequate cervical implants
  • Sternum (peristernal)

Spatula Needles

These surgical needles have a flat body and lateral cutting edges.

There are only two cutting edges on the edge. The traces are trapezoidal. Narrow side is convex, wide side is facing concave side. The smooth formation of the lower and upper parts leads to unwanted tissue cuts.Usage areas;

  • Eye (basic use)
  • Microsurgery
  • Ophthalmic (reconstructive)

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