The Ford interlocking suturing technique is very similar to a simple continuous suturing technique, but before placing the next stitch, the needle is passed through the previous stitch loop to gently tie and pull. The suture ends at the end of the incision, forming a separate loop that is used to knot the free end of the suture. In this continuous technique, which is a modification of the simple continuous suturing technique, the needle is passed in the same direction, vertical to the wound tissue. After the needle is passed through the tissues, it is pulled from the pre-placed stitch and tightened. This suture technique is widely used in the skin following laparotomy operation. A good tissue approximation can be provided at the edges of the skin, especially on thick skin.

This suture technique provides precise adaptation and provides greater safety in the case of a partial wound; it can be difficult to remove the stitches, cause pressure necrosis, and can be embedded in tissue when placed in tension. The characteristics of the Ford interlocking suture technique are as follows: continuous and its effect on blood flow is similar to the simple continuous suture technique.

By holding the needle, a simple interrupted suture is placed and knotted, but only the tip of the suture material without the needle is cut. This knot is placed for the safety of the rest of the scar line. The needle is passed through the loop of the suture and then the incision is closed and suture is placed in the tissue on the opposite side, as in a simple continuous suturing technique. This action locks the simple suture to prevent dehiscence. These procedures are repeated as long as the incision. This interlocking suture is a form of ‘blanket suture’ and can be placed fairly quickly. It satisfies the pattern more effectively than a simple, interrupted pattern, and better dissipates tension. To finish the suture, the needle is placed into the last stitch point and is passed through the incision to exit from the other side. The suture ring is attached to the suture tip. Locking means that the suture line is unlikely to unravel as a result of the patient’s intervention or move. This technique uses more suture material than other techniques. To prevent suture material exposed to the external environment from being drawn from the internal tissues of the wound, it can take time to remove, as each suture needs to be cut separately.

Hande Kahraman
Quality Assurance Engineer

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