Hemostasis is the whole of the physiological or surgical interventions performed to stop the bleeding that started spontaneously, with the deterioration of the vascular integrity or for any other reason, in order to prevent the blood from leaving the vein.
The absorbable haemostat has a product design that is generally used to help control capillary, venous and small arterial haemorrhage. There are many good characteristics of the use and functionality of different types of absorbable haemostats.

1. Haemostat Original
The absorbable hemostat is a loose weave of oxidized regenerated cellulose and provides visibility to observe the original tissue. At the same time, hemostat original helps to provide platelet adhesion matrix in the bloody site as it is flexible and easy to apply to surgical procedures.

2. Haemostat Fabric
This type of absorbable haemostat structure obtained from oxidized regenerated cellulose has a dense structure to absorb heavy blood. Absorbable haemostat fabric, which can be used in laparoscopic surgeries, also helps prevent wound complications in the sternotomy site. It can also be used as a matrix for platelet adhesion and aggregation.

This absorbable hemostatic structure is distinguished from other absorbable haemostats thanks to its dense structure and mesh thickness to provide absorbency.

3. Haemostat Fibrillar
Haemostat fibrillar obtained from multi-layer oxidized regenerated cellulose have an absorbable hemostat structure that can be easily peeled off with forceps, depending on the surgeon’s request. This haemostat, which has an irregular surface or texture, is an absorbable haemostat structure suitable for orthopedic / spine and neurological surgery due to its light and bulky structure.

4. Haemostat Nonwoven
The haemostat, which is obtained from oxidized regenerated cellulose, has a structure consisting of fibers intertwined by needle puncture of nonwoven fibers. With this structure, haemostat nonwoven rapidly absorbs the blood in the surgical area and accelerates hemostasis. It provides ease of use in operations such as cardiovascular, general and peripheral surgery.

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